round and round...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

15 minutes... or milliseconds

Before the holidays I went to the amazingly cool Bust Holiday Craftacular. I shopped, I bought, I was inspired, I met Amy Sedaris (truth)... and I bumped into my favorite video posdcasters. Rob and Corrinne are the cutest and they make fun stuff on their DIY fashion podcast. I dig them. They thought it was cool that I watched their latest podcast on the train on the way to the Craftacular. Rob thought it was surreal to see himself on a stranger's iPod. Anywho, they put me in a subsequent podcast and I posted it so you can see what I look like with no makeup and unwashed hair. (What was I thinking??)

I come in at 1:36 and I'm there for a flash. Megan Nicolay, the way cool t-shirt transformer who I met in Miami (remember this post?) was also there. She comes into the podcast at 2:30. Plus, you get to see cutie cute cute Amy Sedaris. Love her. Sandra, this is partly for you, hon.

BTW, this is the first video I've embedded in a post. It's so 2008 of me.

2 What people are saying:

Blogger Retro Girl rambles...

OMG You are such a superstar!! You rocked the whole video clip !!

That looks like such a Fabulous event!! I bet it was a schmorgasboard of beautiful things.

Good luck on the 365 Blogging...
Happy New Year!

1/02/2008 09:10:00 PM

Blogger Monogram Queen rambles...

and I wish I could see it! Waaah! You are SO cool though.. so cool.

1/03/2008 09:38:00 AM


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