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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Go See My Friend's New Show

My actor friend (which almost describes everyone I know in New York... The crazy thing is that NYC is filled with actors, but my friends are actually quite good ones. No joke. I'm not just saying that because I love them - those nutty folks have real talent.) is in a new show. You should go see it if you're anywhere near New York. Tickets are cheap and theatre is cool. Take a date and act all intellectual. You'll be impressive.

The name is "Inheritors", and it's open now. Preview audiences were full and they dug the play. It's (in the words of the great MT himself) "political and fierce in nature, and explores the right, some might go further--the necessity, for America to evaluate its own character. The echoes of this same debate in our time are eerie in this play-particularly detention and deportation of foreign refugees, imprisonment and treatment of conscientious objectors and war protestors, American distrust of intelligentsia; a character even says the phrase 'making the world safe for democracy'."

The Metropolitan Playhouse is in the Cornelia Connelly Center
220 East Fourth Street (easternmost door)
Between Avenues A & B in the East Village

Reserve Tickets
by phone 212.995.5302
or email:

It runs 'til December 11, so hurry up.

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