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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Give Me Latkes Or Give Me Death

Have you ever had a craving so intense that you can almost taste the particular thing you're craving? This usually happens to me with sushi. I have intense sushi cravings on a regular basis, but today it's different. Today I am craving Shira's latkes in the worst way possible. Not just any latkes, no run of the mill potato pancakes will do. I want some so badly that no other food is satisfying. Nothing. I've had chocolate (which I'm now wearing on my pants - nice one), crackers, an empanada, a cookie, but nothing is even coming close to the delicious joy of Shira's latkes. Last winter she made them (spent hours and hours - she grated the taters herself, folks) from scratch and they were the most delectable things ever. EVER. And now I want some. *tummy growl*

4 What people are saying:

Blogger The Rover rambles...

Wow. Now I want latkes AND Outback cheese fries. You guys all suck.

12/15/2005 02:56:00 PM

Blogger Melissa rambles...

Haha - me, too! I want latkes and cheese fries and a grilled cheese and a chocolate milkshake w/extra whipped cream and 3 cherries. Whoa, where did that come from?

12/15/2005 03:54:00 PM

Blogger Fish rambles...

are you pregnant?

12/15/2005 07:02:00 PM

Blogger Melissa rambles...

Colin, if I had a super strechy arm that could reach "across the pond" I might just smack you... heck no, I'm not preggers! :) I just dig food. haha

12/16/2005 07:49:00 AM


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