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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hey, Mr. Bus Driver, Don't Be Such A Wanker!

I have the same bus driver every morning on the wonderful Miami-Dade Transit bus I take to work. This morning I was late to the bus stop. Not late enough to miss it, but late enough to have to get on after it had already pulled out of the bus driveway. When the man turned onto the street I saw that my bus was sitting in stopped traffic at the red light to get out of the station. I hopped out of the car, jogged over to the bus and the driver almost didn't let me on. He shook his head "no" and just looked at me.

You've got to be kidding me, I thought. I looked at him with an expression half filled with disdain for him (I don't like the guy at all) and half filled with desperation since I really needed to get on the bus. He didn't open the door until I banged on it. I got on and he said, "I shouldn't have let you on. You should have missed this bus. I don't care if you're late." OK, I understand I should be on time, but I don't need a lecture on time management from the bus driver.

Here's what really chars my toast - Greg (my friend who rides with me) is late an average of once a week. He runs up to the bus and gets on no problem. Greg isn't the only one the driver lets on when s/he's late, either. Even when the bus isn't already stopped at a red light Greg (or whoever) gets on and the driver smiles and says "good morning". This also pisses me off. I say good morning to that assclown every damn day and he never acknowledges me. I can guarantee you that he doesn't like seeing a white chick in that neighborhood. Not many people do, and I can actually understand that in light of the nasty racial history of our neighborhood. But, I wasn't here when the 1980 riots were burning the city down, so cut me a freaking break, yo. I'm pissed off about it. Look man, I know you don't like me. I don't particularly care for you, either. But, I don't like you because you're a rude, punk-ass bitch. You don't like me and you've never even so much as spoken to me.

5 What people are saying:

Blogger Fish rambles...

could somebody please explain why racism finds it necessary to perpetuate itself, or is it really just the privelege of the surly,to lazy to break-out, like your bus driver...

12/13/2005 06:08:00 PM

Blogger Melissa rambles...

If only I knew. If I knew I'd fix it. Boy, wouldn't that be nice? I don't really get it and I'm kind of glad about that.

12/13/2005 09:06:00 PM

Blogger The Rover rambles...

Race is so, so complicated. I mean, I wish the bus driver would be nice to you, since you're my friend and you're nice to him, and b/c you're not racist...but, on the other hand, I probably know how he and your neighbors feel.

No easy solution, other than trying to actually get to know PEOPLE and not SKIN COLORS. Boy, that was easy... ;-)

12/14/2005 01:29:00 AM

Blogger Melissa rambles...

K Lance, can you just make an announcement in my 'hood stating that people should like each other based on who they are and hate each other based on who they are, not what they look like? I mean, if people want to hate me, I want it to be because I'm a sarcastic, opinionated beeyotch, not because I'm a little on the pale side. :) Really and truly, I don't know how you made it through HS. I know people had to be awful to you. It makes me very, very sad.

12/14/2005 09:36:00 AM

Blogger The Rover rambles...

If you hook me up with a soapbox, I'll bring the megaphone...

12/14/2005 03:23:00 PM


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