round and round...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Looks Like Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays

I just went and got lunch at the deli downstairs. Pot roast & veggies. Yumtastic. It's cool here today (a rarity in Miami) and a hearty, wintry meal is just the thing to make today a little less Monday-esque. I then proceeded to slip on the freshly-waxed marble floors in the elevator bank and splatter myself and my lunch all over the place. I think they may have used pure glycerine to polish the floors. It was as slick as an ice rink. My heel hit the shiny, black surface just a touch off-center and I could feel the fall begin - the way you know something bad is just about to happen and everything goes into slow-motion. I sort of floated above myself watching my foot turn under, my leg slide out in front of me, my hands fly upward, tossing my lunch in an effort to swing my arms beneath me to break my impending, painful landing. The styrofoam container hit the ground and big chunks of tender roast sloshed across the floor along with gravy and mashed potatoes. Carrot slices rolled under the security desk and green beans squished between the closing doors of the elevator on the left. My Sunkist soda seeped across the floor, filling the joint of the regular tiling and the marble slabs making a lovely orange groutline. Miraculously, I stood up without so much as a speck of pepper on my clothing. Remarkable, considering what the floor around me looked like. It was a grisly scene. I hope I don't end up with big bruises on my tush. I went down hard. It was too funny to hurt at the time, but I have a sinking suspicion that tonight I'll be feeling it.

To top it off, I can't upload photos right now for some reason. Bugger.

**Update: now I have a hole in my sock. Yippeeeeee!

7 What people are saying:

Blogger Melissa rambles...

See? This is how you know who's your friend. If she'd sacrifice her lunch to make sure you didn't bruise your bum, she's a real friend. HAHAHAAAAA!

Funny how the only time we got laughed at is when I fell and you went to catch me. When you fell we didn't get laughed at. When I fell the drag queens made fun of us.

2/06/2006 02:34:00 PM

Blogger The Rover rambles...

Excellent description.

When that stuff happens to me, I'm usually much more hurt that my lunch is ruined than by any phyical pain caused by the fall. Weird, huh?

I have to admit, though, that there's not much that could spoil my mood today.

2/06/2006 04:00:00 PM

Blogger Melissa rambles...

It's amazing how much a 5th Superbowl ring can make anything seem better! I miss Jerome already. *sniffle*

2/06/2006 04:07:00 PM

Blogger Deadly Female rambles...

Damn, I hope there are no bruises!

2/07/2006 03:30:00 AM

Blogger Fish rambles...

So, were there? bruises I mean..

That's such a bummer isn't it (no pun intended) if you're like me then lunch is something you really look forward to and then..!! Still it sounds as if you two have lots of practice falling down?

2/07/2006 08:48:00 AM

Blogger Melissa rambles...

Lucky for me, I went back to the deli and when they heard what happened they gave me another lunch - for free. Those ladies are so nice. They teach me Spanish and feed me when I've smeared my lunch all over the lobby.

I'm happy (an amazed) to report that there are no bruises!

2/07/2006 09:22:00 AM

Blogger Fish rambles...

wow, they really do like you - so from now on you can just have one mouthful and if you don't like it then just throw it down the hall and go back for a freebie?

2/07/2006 10:29:00 AM


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