round and round...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I love you, pupster.

The man sent me this video over the weekend. I'm so thankful he did. He recorded it about a year ago.

I'm going to see him & Duke this weekend. The news so far is not good about my pupster's health and I have a feeling this weekend will be a memorial. I feel like my heart is breaking into tiny pieces and there's nothing to fix it. I have to put on a brave face this Friday, look into Duke's big, droopy face and tell him I love him. Thank him for being such a good dog. Thank him for being my boy. Tell him he's been nothing but joy for me. Let him know he's made a difference in my life. All I can manage to do right now is keep the tears from shorting out my laptop. I'm not even doing a good job at that.

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4 What people are saying:

Blogger Jenn rambles...

Jess is right...we all understand. And we know there's nothing really that can be said to help you right now. Except - I understand and am so sorry.

8/23/2006 09:01:00 PM

Blogger Sapphire rambles...

*swallows lump in throat*

I hate these moments. Pets are so good to us, unconditionally.


8/23/2006 09:24:00 PM

Blogger Pam rambles...

*more hugs*

I'll be thinking of you this weekend.........

8/24/2006 10:19:00 AM

Blogger Retro Girl rambles...

My heart is with you Melissa...*HUGS* I couldn't help but tear up, watching the video...what a great dog. I am so sorry..I know how hard this is. Only very special people understand what it is like to love a dog like he is family...and understand what you're going through.

Give him all your love and heart, as he has done for you....remember all the wonderful memories and good times--you'll always have him in your heart.

Take care

8/24/2006 12:24:00 PM


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